Compare Polygon (MATIC) Staking Rates

Find the best Polygon Staking Rewards and get the best Polygon staking rates using our comparison charts below.

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Polygon is a decentralised Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps with low transaction fees without ever sacrificing on security.

Best Polygon Staking Rates


Base: EA: 10% / 1 Month: 12%
Silver: Easy Access: 10.25% / 1 Month 12.25%
Gold: Easy Access: EA: 11% / 1 Month: 13%
Platinum: Easy Access: EA: 12% / 1 Month: 14%
14% APR
Base = No requirements; Silver = 1-5% Nexo in portfolio; Gold = 5-10%% Nexo in portfolio; Platinum = 10%+ Nexo in portfolio


Easy Access
11% APR


Easy Access
2.02% APR


Easy Access: 6%
1 Month: 12.18%
3 Months: 21.12%
21.12% APR

Tier1: Easy Access: 6% / 1 Month: 8% / 3 Months: 10%
Tier2: Easy Access: 8% / 1 Month: 10% / 3 Months: 12%
Tier3: Easy Access: 8% / 1 Month 12% / 3 Months: 14%
14% APR
Tier 1= less than $400 of CRO staked; Tier 2= $4,000 of CRO staked; Tier 3= $40,000 of CRO staked. “Stake” or “Staking” means the holding of CRO in your App Wallet for a period of 6 months. For more details, please visit